Welcome to The Upholster Factory

You are employed in a upholstering factory and you really love your job. You have to add colored pattern to create real masterpiece ordered from client.

How to play :

  • Select a color
  • Select a pattern
  • Click paint button to apply on upholster
  • Click clean button to wash the upholster
  • Click sell button to sell current upholster and go to following order

Made with Unity : https://github.com/ChristopheClaustre/Trijam94

Made for Trijam94.

Made in 5 hours. The 3 hours version is available for download.
The 2 extra hours were used to :

  • Create the end menu
  • Integrate the sound made during the 3 first hours by a friend of mine
  • Generate random client's order

Deluxe version is out now

Made with approximately 2 more days of work.

  • Final version of the UI
  • Timer instead of random numbers of orders to complete (as wanted at beginning)
  • *New* Set of animations
  • *New* Tutorial
  • *New* Credits


Upholstering_Factory_Jam_Version_WebGL.zip 5 MB
Upholstering_Factory_Late_Version_WebGL.zip 7.5 MB


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The game is great !

Thank you :) Not exactly what I wanted but I like it anyway ;)